Monday, March 2, 2015

Fisher Price Giggle Gang Toys

While getting my tires changed at Walmart recently, I browsed the toy aisles to pass time. Fisher Price has remarkable shelf space - an entire aisle and at least one end display. One product in particular caught my eye - Giggle Gang plush toys. When squeezed, the round characters play a baby's giggle. Each character has a different giggle. The toys made me laugh out loud in the middle of the store - they are absolutely adorable. Priced at just $12 and possessing especially adorable qualities, Giggle Gang has the potential to produce huge sales numbers - if only people knew about it. I ran a quick Google search of the product's current marketing activities. Here's what I found:

Fisher Price provides a sound clip with the product listings, an effort only reaching those who directly search for the product or browse product listings (for Fuzzy, product listing)

Gameplay of the Giggle Gang app. This is a great marketing effort, but it is likely targeted towards current users, not prospective customers. 

A sponsored post from 2012, a great marketing effort but with little reach

How can Fisher Price improve their digital marketing strategy? Video. 
Because Giggle Gang characters have both adorable visual and audio characteristics, video is especially fitting. Further, video is growing in popularity. Instagram and Snapchat both have video capabilities, and Facebook and YouTube are ideal platforms for sharing video content. A short video of a laughing baby with a laughing Giggle Gang toy is attractive content for a news feed and would likely incite sharing, garnering earned media. Ultimately, video would illustrate enjoyment of the product and outperform previous marketing efforts in capturing Giggle Gang's adorable essence and spreading awareness of the product. 

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